
Ergonomics is the study of work spaces to ensure a good fit with the individual completing the job. Occupational Therapists are trained and regulated professionals who assess the person, their occupation, and their physical environment for goodness of fit, and make changes where needed to prevent injury and allow individuals to work efficiently and safely.


Office Ergonomics

Catalyst Occupational Therapy works with businesses and individuals to ensure office workstations are ergonomically appropriate. Ergonomically appropriate generally means that they are working in a safe, neutral position, the ideal distance from each component of the workstation. Individuals may simply require adjustment of current equipment, or working with a vendor to provide ergonomically appropriate equipment (typically keyboard trays, ergonomic chairs, standard desk recommendations or in specific cases sit-stand desks.

This assessment can occur re-actively following injury, or prior to injury to prevent it from occurring in the first place.

Industrial Ergonomics

Catalyst Occupational Therapy works with power plants, mines, construction companies, crown corporations, steel plants, and more to ensure employee standards and work habits are safe and ergonomically appropriate. Where indicated, recommendations are provided to safety staff or management to ensure a safe and healthy staff.

Whole Body Vibration Assessment

Catalyst Occupational Therapy uses specialized equipment to measure levels of vibration experienced by equipment operators to determine whether they fall outside of international standards and legislation.

The report informs employers whether their equipment operators are experiencing low, moderate, or high risk levels of vibration. The report also provides information on the amount of time a worker can be exposed to that level of vibration in a 24 hour period, and provides recommendations for reducing vibration experienced.